Sunday, September 11, 2005

Packing my games...

As I mentioned earlier, I am moving in a couple of weeks. Since my
primary game partner is my darling wife and she is already in Iowa,
I'm going through a bit of a game drought these days. Since I know I
won't be playing much until after the move, I packed up the game
collection the other night. It was sad.

Games are an important part of my life. So often I spend my social
time with my friends playing these very games, it occurred to me that
most likely I won't play these games with a lot of these people again.
Although I've only spent a couple of years in Minnesota, the
relationships I've built are invaluable. While not all of them
revolve around games, several of them do. That makes this move, as my
pastor said, bittersweet.

I am returning to a large group of friends who want to play games with
me. In fact a buddy of mine practically begged me to play a game of
cards with him when I get back. So while I close out this chapter of
my life, I'm excited to open another. And like most of the recent
chapters of my life, games will play a big part of it.


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