Friday, December 09, 2005

RPG Notes - Dust Devils

In my growing quest to find a roleplaying experience that meets my personal likes and dislikes, I stumbled across an award winning independent RPG called Dust Devils. Let me say right up front that I really liked the concepts of the game and can't wait to give it a run.

I'm not going to go too much in depth on the book itself. But the mechanics are brilliant and fit the theme of the game very nicely. Dust Devils is set in the Wild West. The core idea is that every character has an inner demon or "Devil". This is what drives play. Not some grandious story from the GM, not something some writer came up with in New York City (or more likely Seattle, but I digress...), but instead the players drive the story. And that intriges me.

At 24 pages, it covers everything that is needed to play and does so in an entertaining fashion. While written for the Wild West, the official site has a spy conversion and I was thinking if I ever get the group to try a game set in the 'verse of "Firefly", this is the game I want to use.

I could bore you with a lot on mechanics, but let me encourage you to head over to and check it out. It's only $7 for the PDF and I will say it's one of the best $7 I've ever spent on a RPG.


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