Saturday, January 07, 2006

Lot's of Games Today

It's been a good couple of game days. Yesterday as I was wiping sleep out of my eyes, I heard my blushing bride say, "Package for Mr. Thomas Cackler!" My games were here! Whoo Hoo! I ripped open the box and it was like Christmas all over again. Look for lots of reviews over the next couple of days.

Then, I met up with Matt from Chimera Games today for some games. We played a couple of games of Ingenious, a couple of games of Hive, and one each of Cartegena and Transamerica. I had a blast. I think Matt had a good time as well and we also had some more good discussion on roleplaying games. Good times.

Then I came home and after supper broke out one of the new games: Jambo. Let me just say that I think I might just have a new favorite two player game. For those unfamiliar with the game, Jambo is a two player game from Rio Grande Games where you take on the role of an African Trader (Jambo = Hello in Swahili [or it means "You drive like a madman" at Disney's Animal Kingdom in Orlando, but I digress]) and try to buy low and sell high the various goods. It's a little bit San Juan, a little bit Settlers of Catan, and a little bit of Puerto Rico (and yes, I know I just listed both San Juan AND Puerto Rico, I know pretty much what I'm doing) . Flat out, it's a great game that I would recommend for anyone to play. The only drawback is that it is only two players, but I am trying to work up a multi player variant (maybe I should just check the Geek).

All in all, it's been a great new year for games (already 10 plays this year!).

Happy Gaming!


Blogger Thomas said...

That's great, Matt! We need to plan another afternoon of gaming soon...maybe some RPG time this go around!

9:40 AM  

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