Monday, January 23, 2006

No Apologies!

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to take "Ticket to Ride" over to our Pastor's home and after a wonderful meal with his family, we sat down to teach them this game. We had a great time and I hope I broadened their game experience to something new yet still very fun. Overall, it was a great way to spend the Lord's Day in fun and fellowship.

But, this is something I've noticed in my time playing. People tend to be polite and apologize for making a good move. For example, person A claims the route between Duluth and Chicago (actually St. Paul to Gary, IN, but I digress) and person B moans, gasps or otherwise lets the whole of creation know that their best laid plans have now gone astray. Person A, in an attempt to be polite says, "Oh, I'm sorry."

In a way, that bothers me. Maybe it's because Julie and I have a "rule" (and when you're married 10 years, you start to develop a codified set of rules for how the household is managed) that we don't say "I'm sorry" unless we are genuinely apologetic. In other words, in order to be sorry, you will have had to have done something wrong. And making a good play in a game isn't something to be sorry about.

Perhaps it's Person B saying, "Oh, no! You've blocked me!" that prompts this. But for me part of the joy of playing a game is the joy of victory and the agony of someone blocking you out of Portland when you need only one more link to complete that 17 point ticket (no, this didn't happen yesterday, but it has happened in the past). The enjoyment of a game comes not just from the winning, but the competing with others and having others do well against you.

So, Julie and I have a rule: No apologies for playing well. That's the aim of the game, after all. However, if you put the cards in her mouth to hold them for a moment and wish to apologize, you may do so. Eating the game is not part of the fun!


Blogger Wayne Larson said...

Ha! You got that right. Perhaps there could be an "exception clause" that states, "Apologies will only be allowed with tongue firmly planted in cheek."

Great time Tom, we'll have to do it again. Later that day our oldest said, "Those people were pretty fun and not just because they brought a game." That's pretty high praise from an 11 year old.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Thomas said...

I would allow that exception.

"Sorry I just messed up your plans! Hahahahaha!"

Looking forward to the next game.

5:13 PM  

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