Wednesday, February 08, 2006

That's Life

No, this isn't about the board game of Life, but instead is all about the joys of living. And how life too often gets in the way of my hobby.

Let me start off by saying I haven't totally gone without a game since my last post. Last night, in fact, we had a fun game of Heroscape over at a buddy's house. It was a blast (I won!) and I remembered why I love Heroscape. Fast, easy, and fun, it's the way miniature gaming should be.

Anyway, back to gaming. I'm behind on my annual goal of playing a game a day on average for the year. I'm about 11 plays behind, nothing serious, but certainly something I don't want to get much bigger. Thankfully I have a couple of opportunities coming up to play.

Of course, if you're in Central Iowa and want to play, drop me a line!


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