Saturday, April 01, 2006

So What's Your Sorry Excuse?

Updates have been a bit spartan as of late (as if you couldn't tell that). I think I'm going through a phase of not playing a lot of games. I'm not sure why but it is a little frustrating.

So, how do you fix that? I mean, when you want to start doing something again that you haven't been doing for awhile, how do you start? I know, it's sort of like eating an elephant. One bite at a time.

It's funny, but since I started my part time job at Caribou Coffee, I didn't figure it would impact my life as much as it has. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but it pretty much rules out going much of anywhere Monday through Thursday nights. I suppose I could try and make it work better, but alas, I haven't found the right balance.

Sigh. I guess I don't have an excuse. I just haven't had a huge desire to play a lot right now. Shocking, I know, but the fact remains that I haven't had a pressing urge to pull out some games. Maybe once we move in a month and I find some of my other favorites or can have people over to play and feed them, I'll start playing some more. In the meantime, don't look for a lot of activity out of me.


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