Friday, June 24, 2005


Wow, I realize I haven't updated my blog for about a month. Sorry,
about that, but despite my love of games, I was needed to play the
Wiseman at the Well during our recent Vacation Bible School. So, let me
share some wisdom about what is going on in my gaming world...

1) I finally played St. Petersburg the other day. And I played it
again. And yet again. Quite simply, I really like this one, I like it
a lot. While the rules were a little hazy (could be that I don't read
rules very well...). Look for a full review soon, but it's a definite
must play.

2) We received our Shadows Over Camelot demo the other day as well.
Yes, it's a bit pricey. Yes, it's a cooperative game. Forget all of
that, it's a great game. So far, I've played three games that are on my
list for Game of the Year (my award list, look for it later this
year!). Now there is a fourth. This is shaping up to be a pretty
decent year for games.

3) On the local scene, Jax publishing has released Kazink and Poker's
Wild. Let me say that I'm not the biggest fan of Jax, but I do enjoy
Sequence and Triple Four quite a bit. I'll need to add Poker's Wild to
that list as well. Try to build the best poker hand while placing cards
on the board. Pretty fun and very close to another favorite: Cross Cribb.

4) Finally, I also played Gone Fishing by Michael Rieneck earlier this
week. It's enjoyable, but has a bit too much memory for my tastes. The
theme is definitely tacked on, but that's okay. Definitely not my
favorite new fishing game of the year, but okay.


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