Friday, May 06, 2005

My Ratings System

I just realized I added something about my ratings system and I haven't
really explained it. Here goes...

I borrow this heavily from the RPG system, Fudge. Fudge, unlike a lot of
RPG's, uses adjectives to describe the characters. Hence, I think it is
quite helpful in describing games, movies, or pretty much anything else you
care to compare. So, without further ado, here we go:

Legendary - A game that belongs in everyone's collection. Less than 1% of
all games make this grade.
Superb - A game that is in the upper echelon of gaming and is a true
Great - A game that is significantly above average.
Good - A game that is above average.
Fair - An average game. Nothing spectacular or special, but nothing
necessarily wrong with the game either.
Mediocre - A below average game. One that has some sort of problems with
the overall execution of the game.
Poor - A game that is significantly below average.
Terrible - A game that is in the lowest rung of gaming. Broken, boring, or
just plain bad, these go here.
Abysmal - See legendary only in the reverse.

Here are some examples (in my opinion):

Superb - Settlers, Puerto Rico, Ticket to Ride, Carcasonne, Power Grid
Great - Alhambra, Blokus
Good - Ingenious, Apples to Apples, Tikal, Quiddler
Fair - Attack, Balderdash
Poor - Clue, Mystery of the Abbey
Terrible - Yahtzee, Easy Come Easy Go, Catch Phrase
Abysmal - Bunco, LCR, Farkle

These are my tastes entirely. I know a lot of folks like Clue, but I really
don't care for it. Anyway, now you know how I rate games. I never said it
was a Great system...


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